Name and Surname:

Nader Alirezaloo

Date of birth:




  • PhD – Cognitive science, Institute of Cognitive Science, 2015-So far
  • MS – Occupational therapy, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, 2013-2015
  • BS – Occupational therapy, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, 2005-2009


  • Language Skills: Azari,Turkish, Persian, English
  • Software Skills: WinEEG ‘Neuroguide ‘Loretta ‘Biograph, SPSS, Endnote, etc…
  • Computer Skills: Word, Office, Advance search in internet

Conference vs Congress vs Symposium:

The effect of treatment (sensory stimulation, music therapy and dark room) on the improvement of Autism Alirezaloo, N; Mirzaei, H 6th Congress of mentally retarded children, 2008, Tehran-Iran

Evaluation of teaching and learning strategies in the occupational therapy students of University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences Alirezaloo, N; Mirzaei, H 13 th Congress of Occupational Therapy,     2009, Tehran-Iran

The introduction of a comprehensive model for the empowerment of women heads of households in Mehrafarin Institute / Zarean, M; Alirezaloo, N; Daneshvar, f; Asadollah pour, A; Seminar on the vulnerability of work children and women head of household, Tehran, 1389 (2010)

Comparison of conventional treatment methods CP ball with a proprietary protocol on children with cerebral palsy / Soodi, D; Alirezaloo, N; Lecture presented at the second conference of Iranian Rehabilitation Engineering, 2011

Reduce the rate of brain and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children after neurofeedback treatment / Asadollah pour, A; Alirezaloo, N; Bahadodri, Z; Mousa Nezhad, E 18th Congress of Occupational Therapy, 1392 (2012)

Efficacy of brain stimulation of trans-cranial direct current (tDCS) to improve the symptoms of depression / Nosrat Abadi, M; Haggoo, H; Alirezaloo, N; 19th Congress of Occupational Therapy, 1393 (2013)

Inhibition control study focused on children with attention deficit hyperactivity (ADHD) in comparison to healthy children during the emotional task: This event related potentials (ERP)  / Nosrat Abadi, M; Azarang, S; Alirezaloo, N; 19th Congress of Occupational Therapy, 1393 (2013)

Investigation of diagnostic accuracy of quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG) in the diagnosis of children with attention deficit hyperactivity (ADHD) / Alirezaloo, N; Pishyareh, E, Nosrat Abadi, M Third Symposium of the review of the latest scientific findings of Occupational Therapy, 2015

The effectiveness of the Paryad learning package to improve the integration of sensorimotor children with ADHD: A Case Study / Alirezaloo, N; Azarang, S; Nouri Moghadam, S 19th Congress of Occupational Therapy, 2014


  • New Bobath (NDT) in Children with Cerebral Palsy. Bobath Academy, 2018, May
  • Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Children with Cerebral Palsy IROTA, 2017, Dec
  • 2nd Iranian Congress on Human Brain Mapping NBMC, 2015, Nov
  • 4th Basic and clinical Neuroscience Congress INSS   2015, Dec
  • Symposium of 1th Iranian IBRO School of Neuroscience IBRO  2015, May
  • Voxel Based Morphometry with MRI in Cognitive Studies IBRO 2015, May
  • The 4th Congress of Cultural and Social Psychiatry IUMS & MHRC 2015, May
  • Gateways to Enter the Field of Cognitive Science ICSS 2015, April
  • 6th International Conference of Cognitive Science ICSS 2015, April
  • 3 Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Congress INSS 2014, October
  • 3 Symposium of the review of the latest scientific findings of Occupational Therapy USWR 2015
  • Principles of essay writing in English USWR 2014
  • Proposal writing workshop USWR 2014
  • Advanced Neurofeedback course USWR 2014,June
  • Introduction to Quantitative Electro Encephalo Graphy Paarand 2014, January
  • Introduction to Biofeedback course  Paarand 2013, August
  • Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Paarand 2013, May
  • Neurofeedback in LD & ADHD  Paarand 2013, March
  • Introduction to Neurofeedback course Paarand 2013, January
  • Lecture and presentation at the 19th Congress of Occupational Therapy   IROT 2014
  • Poster presentation and presence at the 18th Congress of Occupational Therapy UAWR 2013
  • Presence in the Congress of Vocational rehabilitation Iran UAWR 2013
  • Presentation at the Iranian Rehabilitation Engineering Conference UAWR 2012
  • Attendance at the first seminar on the ethics of occupational therapy in children UAWR 2012
  • Poster presentation at the 14th Congress of Occupational presence UAWR 2009
  • Eric Berne Games and their application in therapy UAWR 2008
  • Poster presentation at the 13 th Congress of Occupational presence UAWR 2008
  • Falling and ways to prevent it  UAWR 2008
  • Sensory integration in Occupational Therapy UAWR 2008
  • Sensory integration UAWR 2008
  • Seizure disorders in children UAWR 2008
  • Poster presentation at the sixth congress of the children with mental problems and conformity UAWR 2008
  • Group therapy in the treatment of patients with mental disorders  Razi Psychiatric Hospital 2007
  • Cognitive – Behavioral therapy (CBT) in Occupational Therapy UAWR 2007

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